a Vegan Care Package :: three(3) meals for two(2) + extra stuff

a Vegan care package, delivered. that's ::

Immersion Blended White Bean Soup

Dry White Beans, in the pressure cooker for 60min HP QPR; then cubed onion; added white pepper, hungarian spicy paprika, Better Then Bouillon veggie base, thyme, cream of corn, parsley - 30min HP QPR; immersion blended, added fresh cracked black pepper and topped with chives & additional paprika -

then . . .

Acorn Squash in Brown Rice (and dab of sesame oil)

 2 cups brown rice, 1 1/2 cup water, splash of sake, and a dab of sesame oil + kosher salt. 7min HP NPR; mashed briefly with a muddler..

plus a (condensed) tomato soup, with 1/2 can of sauvignon blanc as the liquid, microwaved 4minutes with oregano and a bay leaf, then topped with cracked black pepper

and the final package.. delivered::