Timing is Everything :: a bachelors guide to your personal eatery

Your gut, is a brain.  its a slow, but VERY ACCURATE brain.  It needs time to think, and it needs you to feed it.

It all starts with an idea.. what should I shop for?

You may, often, find, that impulse buy.. a new fruit.. a juice, or a long-time memory favorite.. WILL BE, the very thing you scoff down, as soon as delivery arrives.

Here, we begin with a food experiment.  It starts.. with a Yogurt.

That gives us time to put the quiche, in the oven for 24 minutes, and perhaps.. have some fruit

and.. after a time, perhaps a dry cracker

now while, you're processing that, and perhaps doing a bit of work, you may wander into the kitchen several minutes before its done.  the KEY to remember, is HOW LONG.. and did you wander in because you were hungry[?], or just nervous that the electrics had gone out.

you may find a bit of leftover tomato, on the counter, that you can salt and nibble

so.. the quiche has ding'd, and its setting up, to cool

you may start cleaning your tools and utensils, and pour yourself a glass of milk, to optimize the time, and time dispensed layout of your eatery :)

now, I plan on having an apple turnover, so I leveraged the already hot oven, and bumped it to 475

and after 1/2 my quiche, I was full and packaged it up.. also aborted the turnover idea, shut down the oven, and . . . got myself a drpepper

its good to wait until your hungry, when you know you can always eat along the way. . . and in just the time it took, to write this post

the end.

(and perhaps, a nap ;)
