Pressure Cooker :: Eggplant Stew with Red Kidney Beans, Tomato, Red Hot Pepper, Capers, in a Tomato Soup with Red Wine Vinegar

cubed eggplant, thrown in, sauté HIGH on the InstantPot
add red beans, canned, your preference - I happen to have red kidney beans

while this is going on, toss some olive oil in..
slice up a hot red pepper, cube a tomato, add some capers, red wine vinegar, pat of butter

lower the sauté temp as your prep is done, or things start to sizzle too unfriendly.
add some more olive oil and stir

at this point, I added some from a boxed tomato/red pepper soup — enough to cover the materials, and then some, to suit your stew-y tastes.  experiment

35min HP NPR

I actually fell asleep during the NPR, for 1.5hrs - so it was on WARM.. not sure if this matters, but.. added some parmesan, and . . ITS DELICIOUS