Indonesian Inspiration :: Grilled Chicken Strips with ALL THE THINGS

Indonesian-inspired frozen grilled chicken strips; mixture of Pineapple concentrate, squeezed orange, molasses, ground Cinnamon, ginger powder, garlic powder, low sodium soy sauce, tomato paste, Cayenne, chili powder and salt (really a mashup of a fake "Kecap manis” and curry.. everything has to be made at some point… had to look these up.. damn those indonesians are complicated) then, in my case, I ‘set it up’ in the fridge with the ‘nurkles’ of my last vestiges of bagged frozen grilled chicken strips, 20min (or until you’ve finished your cold beer). then microwaved 2min MED, with extra larger pieces on top, to defrost; then reserve the marinade and high-temp dry-flash-pan-fry the chicken. plate the chicken, then use a bit of the marinade to deglaze the pan with no additional heat, and drizzle that over the plated chicken, with a side of orange slices. I have to say.. supremely satisfied with this experiment. nom.